4 Tips on How to Survive Holiday Get-Togethers with Your Family!

BLOG | November 21, 2018

Guys, it’s Thanksgiving in a few days! Excited? Sure! Who isn’t looking forward to the “Turkey Day”, after all – especially if you managed to gather up all of your loved ones to enjoy their company during this national holiday.

Get Together with Your Family - 4 Tips on How to Survive Holiday

Fam’ Drama & All That

Or … perhaps you’re ecstatic because a big family/friend reunion isn’t on the agenda this year? That’s perfectly reasonable, too! Having your friends and family there is a wonderful thing, but that comes at a cost. Just think about all the different opinions, various dietary restrictions, and questionable life choices ready to be examined by those who know you the best (or wost). Ugh. There’s no faster way to ruin a meal, is there?

This is the time of year when all of us should count our blessings and be extra-appreciative of all the things and people that surround us, yadayadayada…  All of a sudden, the thought of a string of unfortunate comments, inappropriate jokes and some generally awkward moments crosses your mind, and it’s not so easy being grateful for your eccentric family, is it?  Everyone’s been in your shoes, believe us.

Well, Then… How To Keep Thanksgiving Time Tension-Free?

The best you can do is try to avoid the land-mines and hope that nothing else will go wrong. Here are some tips to minimize the possibility of unpleasant situations when big holidays come to town (yes, including the 4th of July, Christmas, and the New Year’s, or any other special occasion, really):


Avoid Politics - 4 Tips on How to Survive Holiday

This had to go first, and it had to be in caps lock. Having multiple generations in one room can be a wonderful learning experience! Granted, in a magical realm where everybody is a thoughtful person eager to learn more about the world… but, since that’s hardly the world you live in, there’ll have to be a few adjustments to the Thanksgiving conversation.

Any difference in opinion could (and usually does) escalate into a fiery debate in the middle of dinner. To avoid a tantrum with peas and mashed potatoes flying over everyone’s heads, be the wise one and keep things cool. Dodge political convos by talking about other stuff like your experiences at work, recent conclusions about life, your cousin’s new baby, interesting events you’d attended, etc.

         2) Guide the Conversation

Now, when the political situation is handled, let’s get to the other “touchy subjects”.

On that note, if your family consist of people who have a healthy self-esteem, don’t pry in other people’s business, don’t offer unsolicited advice and don’t get offended easily, feel free to skip this paragraph.

Disclaimer: Nobody claims that you don’t love your family! Here, at SwfitCharters, family is the most important thing. Still, they are the only people in your social circle that you can’t choose… and not all of them can be your favorite people in the world, can they? Ah.

You have to find a way how to avoid the topics that nobody wants to talk about, but somehow always get brought up, like your bachelor/bachelorette status, lack of passed exams in school, and so on. If you happen to be married or you do have your degree on you, then there are those pesky comments about your career, still-no-baby remarks or “thoughtful” advice on how to raise your kids better than you do already, you-should-get-a-bigger-apartment advice… and all other unpleasant moments everyone hopes to avoid.

The key is to be proactive. Most of us, have a favorite subject. It’s called “Me, Myself and I”, all you have to do is tap into that never-stopping source of inspiration. Ask them about the stuff they like to talk about (no matter how boring), and continue the conversation in that direction. You’ll be surprised at how effective this method is!

         3) Invite Somebody New

Hear me out! You know how the presence of a stranger usually forces us to behave as politely as possible? Use this to your advantage! Invite a new-in-town coworker, that super cool foreign exchange student or a friend who’s family isn’t in town for the holidays. One more mouth to feed is a small price to pay if it comes with “improved” behavior of everybody involved. You’ll kill two birds with one stone – one less lonely soul for Thanksgiving, and one more harmonious family gathering.

         4) Forget About Home Altogether – Organize a Trip!

Invite Somebody New - 4 Tips on How to Survive Holiday

It’s always great to change the scene for a second or two, especially when you’ve got everything organized to a dot. To treat yourself and your fam’ to an awesome getaway, you don’t have to fly out and organize week-long trips to here and there. Renting a bus to a nearby location (the nearby town, countryside, or a village you’ve always wanted to see) can be the best thing to do this holiday.  After all, going by bus is oftentimes better than flying, not to mention way more cost-effective with the right bus rental company nearby! Give your family the opportunity to enjoy beautiful landscapes across America while riding around in any of Swift’s buses, watch a live sports game, and get distracted with this unusual holiday experience! Keeping them entertained won’t leave any wiggle room for unpleasant moments to find their way in. Explore Chicago, Mount Rushmore, Great Canyon, whatever you think will keep them occupied. That doesn’t mean that you should forget about above-mentioned tips just because you organized a road trip. On the contrary, try to make the best out of each and every tip!

The Swift team is always happy to assist you in that regard, after all, they are the experts when it comes to group transportation and trip organization. Do keep in mind that SwiftCharters team is always ready to help with all things group transportation entails, and then some! Just call +1 312.762.5333, share your plans with a helpful customer service representative, confirm all the details and you can start packing!

Keep in touch wherever you go